Fertility Diets- Do They Work?

Is There Really an Optimal Fertility Diet?

There is mounting evidence that nutrition has a significant affect on both female and male reproductive health. A healthy diet is always important, but particularly so if you’re trying to conceive, are currently pregnant, or nursing. During your visit to Husami Integrative Acupuncture in Cleveland, we will perform an in-depth assessment of your nutritional health, lifestyle and supplement regimen and send you home with a step-by-step plan based on your unique goals and needs. If you are dealing with PCOS or insulin resistance, diet and lifestyle habits will be an important focus of your treatment.

In Chinese medicine a properly functioning digestive system is an integral part of reproductive health, as your digestive system helps to ensure that nutrients are absorbed and utilized by your body and your baby's. If you experience any digestive issues such as bloating or gas, bowel disorders, acid reflux, cravings or low appetite, these digestive issues can be addressed with specific acupuncture treatments.

Diet and Nutrition for Fertility

Proper nutrition helps to provide an optimal environment for the ovaries and maturation of eggs. It can also contribute to creating the right uterine environment for embryo implantation and for development of a healthy baby. Research from the Nurses' Health Study, which began in 1976 and grew to include 238,000 female nurse participants, has shown that adjusting aspects of your diet, from fats to beverages, can increase ovulation and improve chances of getting pregnant. This knowledge became known as the 'fertility diet.' You can learn more about the study here. It is important to note that not every diet works for every individual. You may do better with a higher fat, protein, and lower carbohydrate diet (particularly if you have insulin resistance.) Suzanne Husami, LAc will sit down with you and review your health history to help you determine the right nutrition and diet plan for your fertility goals. 

While many people might search for particular foods that increase fertility or foods for getting pregnant, we at Husami Integrative Acupuncture understand how important it is to review one’s diet in its entirety along with a comprehensive treatment plan that targets the root cause of any fertility issues. Adding one or two foods into your diet may not have much of an effect on your fertility - but embarking on a health care plan and fertility diet that is tailored to you and your unique symptoms just might be the extra edge your body needs.

Fertility Nutrition Counseling in Cleveland

Contact Husami Integrative Acupuncture to learn more about fertility nutrition counseling on the east side of Cleveland. We offer an integrative approach to natural fertility, combining nutrition counseling with fertility acupuncture, herbal medicine, cupping, massage and more. Call or text today to schedule an appointment: (619) 302-7589