Improve Performance & Eliminate Pain Naturally
How Does it Work?

Acupuncture has been used effectively for the treatment of pain and to correct imbalances in the physical body for hundreds of years - but how? To understand this we have to first grasp how pain occurs - and for that we turn to one theory called the Gate Control theory of pain. This theory posits that pain messages are sent from the site of origin to a particular area of the spine where gates allow them to pass upward to the brain, creating the sensation of pain. In short, acupuncture appears to block these pain messages from being sent to the brain, thereby bringing about relief. When used in a series and consistently over time this relief appears to be amplified and prolonged.
We Treat All Types of Pain
Sports Injuries of all Kinds
Back Pain & Joint Pain
Pain as a Result of Tissue/ Joint/ Bone Injury
Headaches and Migraines
Digestive/ Abdominal Pain due to Inflammation
Neuralgias (nerve pain) and Neuropathies (tingling, numbness which may or may not accompany pain)
Functional Pain (pain without an obvious origin)
All forms of acute and chronic pain
Keep You Injury Free
At HIA, we work hard to keep our athlete patients injury free by assessing imbalances and working to correct them through multiple modalities in concert with acupuncture - including cupping, therapeutic massage techniques, moxibustion and electrical stimulation.
Contact Us to Learn More
We offer a complimentary telephone consultation so you can find out how our services can help. Call or text us today!